Help Me Through The Night
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:34 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Joe Walsh
File Size
108 KB
Some-where a-long the way I found a me-an-ing, woke up dre-am-ing, a-long the way. Nev-er quite seems the same when you are a-wak-ing, and mak-ing up for the time you've such a price to pay. And then they take the dream a-way, and it just ain't fa-ir, ma-ma. So help me through the night, ma-ma, help me to ease the pain---. Tell me it's al-right, help me through the night, o-nce a-gain. And that's the dan-ger in pre-ten-ding, try-in' to de-fend your-self from some-one el-s-e's war. Don't know what they're fi-ght-ing for, no they just don't ca-re, n-o. So help me to s-ee the light ma-ma, o-pen my eyes a-gain---. Tell me it's al-right, help me through the night, o-nce a-gain. Would you help m-e, ma-ma. Could you help me-----, ma-ma.
Open G guitar tuning (low 6th to high 1st ) = DGDGBD.
Don't use Guitar Pro version of Open G tuning.
Haven't yet completed the piano accompaniment or
the full Felder chords and solo - working on it!
Felder chords are muted, but difficult in Guitar Pro to
get the right effect.